Everyone has heard of an aubergine, especially since they ended up on the rather short list of food emojis, but have you ever heard of an eggplant? Eggplant looks just like aubergine and tastes like aubergine, is it the same then?
The simple answer is – yes. And again the American and British English differences have interrupted our conversation.

Aubergine is a French word that basically means a dark purple colour. The British did not really go far away from the perceptions of colour as the French word also would just translate as "violet-brown colour" to any language, which is quite appropriate.
The first aubergines brought to the Americas from Europe were mostly white (in various shades) in colour, with a shiny smooth outside and with an egg-like form. Thus, they began to be called eggplants.
One more fact that is not related to the topic above is, wherever you are and no matter what you call this hearty fruit - yes, it is a fruit, even though they are often considered to be vegetables! Thus, eggplants or aubergines do not matter, what matters is that they are always delicious!
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