Have you ever wondered what are the types or genres of film and how many are there?
Types of genres of feature films are groups of works distinguished on the basis of similar features of their internal structure, which do not have clear boundaries, are usually vague, and different genres can continuously merge into one another, connecting and separating.
The 19th century gave humanity an amazing and wonderful cinematic experience that has radically changed and continues to change a person, his consciousness, and his perception. It was silent cinema that became a worthy beginning of the film industry. This created diversity in different genres, but each of them is able to find its grateful audience. For every taste, the film industry has created real masterpieces, which are impossible to refuse to watch.
The most popular film genres include many different options: detectives, dramas, action films, thrillers, horror films, comedies, science fiction, and more. However, on the other hand, bluntly speaking, in the cinema, there is no single generally accepted set of genres, by which it would be possible to accurately classify all films. In addition, most feature films can be safely classified into more than one genre:
- What genre is James Bond?
- The majority usually say it’s an action film, but I think it’s an adventure/spy film!
Therefore, it is possible to speak about the following system of feature film genres only with a high degree of conventionality. This system was rather formed by the viewers themselves on the basis of personal impressions than by film critics in the framework of scientific research. But, nevertheless, this system is widespread and, to a certain extent, generally accepted.

These are examples of some of the most popular and widely recognized genres:
Action films
Adventure films
Detective and Mystery films
Horror Films
Romantic Films
Science Fictions films
War Films
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